Helpful Resources for:
teens and adults with attention and executive function problems

ADHD For Life Coaching
I am also a consultant for group coaching courses offering ADHD specific skills based programs in time management (Getting it Done) and managing relationships (Showing Up, Together).
Click the buttons below to learn more about these programs:

Executive Function Support from
The ADHD For Life Team
If you are interested in learning more about how to support your executive functions, you can check out the Getting It Done workbook here
Expert Speaker on ADHD and Concussion
If you are looking for a speaker for your next training or conference event, please see my speaker and media kit
Books and links I think are helpful
Free Online CBT
This Kelty's Key module is really helpful - feel free to check out the other modules too!
ADHD in Women
An interesting summary on how changes in estrogen effect the expression of ADHD
Dr. Siegal has some EXCELLENT Resources on his webpages and his books are good too. I especially like his take on all the elements that we need to include in our lives every day.
I enjoyed reading The Gap and the Gain. How do you measure success? Forwards (the distance between where you are now and your identified goal)
Or Backwards (the distance between where you are now compared to where you started)?
If you said Backwards.... You are on the right track to success and happiness 😊
This book has a number of helpful tips and suggestions.
The first section is examples followed by solutions you can execute on your own. The second section is examples and solutions you can execute with outside help such as family members or friends with specific skills. The third section is what sort of professional services you should seek out should the options in sections 1 and 2 not work out or become overwhelming.
I often recommend this book as it provides a really good explanation of how multiple "small t" traumas in childhood can negatively effect the child's attachment to their caregiver(s). While I'm not convinced the symptoms of Adult ADHD are entirely a reflection of insecure attachment as I believe there is a genetic component that affects the child's temperament and tendencies, Dr. Mate's description of how attachment develops (at the beginning of the book) is excellent.